Preparing Your Body for a Crisis

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about preparing for a disaster? If you are like most people, you consider stockpiling some food and water and having necessary first-aid supplies on hand. Although that is an important part of survival, it by no means tells the entire story. You … Read more

Is the Economy Really Going to Crash?

People prepare for many different times of crisis. More than likely, you are reading this article because you are also interested in keeping yourself and your family safe when disaster strikes. When it comes to disaster preparedness, most people tend to focus on natural disasters or a SHTF moment, such as a meteor strike or … Read more

Preparing for an Economic Meltdown

A disaster scenario may take on many different forms. In some cases, it is a natural disaster or perhaps an act of terrorism that causes issues. We often prepare for these types of disasters with food and water storage and plenty of first-aid supplies to get us through until the issue passes. There is another … Read more

How to Prepare for Personal Disasters

If you have been doing any research into being prepared for disasters, you likely have heard about a lot of scenarios that could affect a community, a country or perhaps even the world. These scenarios range from natural disasters, such as earthquakes or hurricanes all the way to civil unrest or having the entire grid … Read more

Coming up with a Water Preparedness Plan

There are many different issues that could leave us high and dry. Some of those problems may be natural disasters and perhaps we may have even seen them coming. There are also many other events that could lead to difficult times, including economic meltdowns, terrorism and catastrophic, SHTF events. When these issues strike, it is … Read more