Preparing for Long Term Survival

It is no secret that it is important to store food and water in case an emergency should take place. Most recommendations call for three days’ worth of basic supplies if such an event should occur. The fact of the matter is, however, three days goes by very quickly and if you are dealing with … Read more

How Long Can You Store Food?

Putting together a preparedness pantry is one of the most important things you can do to get your family ready for a coming disaster. Regardless of whether it is a small natural disaster or a SHTF catastrophe, having enough food and water on hand can make a difference between life and death. Most people recognize … Read more

Starting a Survival Garden

There are many factors to consider when you are planning for the survival of your family. Disaster may strike at any given time and in today’s world, it is not only natural disasters but we have to worry about terrorism as well as unexpected events, some of which are beyond the control of any human. … Read more

How to Survive Hazardous Materials Incidents

Many people live their lives without giving much thought to what is going on around them. This could prove to be deadly, however, especially if you are caught unprepared in the event of an emergency. One type of an emergency that can happen suddenly and without warning is a hazardous material incident. When it takes … Read more

How to Survive Floods

One of the many natural disasters that can have an immediate effect and effects that linger for quite some time is flooding. This is an issue that can take place on a localized level but it may also include a widespread area in some cases. Being prepared in advance is your best opportunity for surviving … Read more