How to Survive Terrorism: Explosions

Out of all of the different terroristic threats that we may experience, explosions are one of the most feared. Terrorists use explosive devices in a number of ways, including in vehicles, detonating them remotely or even carrying them on a person in a suicide attack. These types of conventional explosive attacks are not only designed to cause damage in the nearby area, they are designed to cause people to panic and spread fear among the population.

Although the possibility of being nearby when an explosion occurs is somewhat remote, it is a possibility that needs to be considered. Preparing in advance for such an attack can make a difference in you surviving or being injured or perhaps even killed as a result of the attack. In addition, you may find that you are affected in a number of different ways, even if you weren’t in the area of the explosion.

Preparing for such an event is the best thing that you can do and a good way for you to spend your time prior to when it occurs. After all, it is only a matter of time before such an explosion takes place and it could affect your area or perhaps even a nation with an economic collapse or the institution of martial law. Preparing in advance would include having an emergency supply kit on hand and plenty of food and water for every member of your family to survive a minimum of three days. You should also ensure that you have clean bedding and clothing available, access to all of your important documents and enough prescription medication on hand to last during this time of trouble.

It may also be possible that your family is not together when this type of a disaster takes place. It is important to establish a safe meeting place in advance and an alternate meeting area, just in case the first one is compromised. Be sure that everyone is on board with the plan, including those who are responsible for caring for your children.

You can also be alert to what is taking place around you. When you are in a public location, there is always a possibility of terrorist activity so plan your escape route when you first enter into the public area. If an explosion should happen to take place, seek immediate shelter under a desk or table to avoid falling debris. You should then leave the building as soon as possible, being sure to use the stairs and avoiding any debris that may be in the area. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to avoid breathing in dust.

Regardless of whether the explosion is small or large, it can result in panic and many other problems with those in the area. Keep a cool head and assess the situation once you have reached a safe location. You can then work on evacuating your family to an area that is away from the threat.