How to Survive a Cyber Attack

When most of us think about the possibility of a threat that would affect us or those around us we tend to think of something physical. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is a chemical attack or it may be biological. The fact of the matter is, however, a cyber-attack is a real possibility and the consequences could be more than most people realize. Being prepared for a cyber-attack can help to limit the damage.

For some of us, the danger of a cyber-attack may be very limited. Perhaps it could be the possibility of a virus erasing our computer or perhaps allowing a backdoor so that intruders could steal our personal information. At other times, however, our computer may be used as a tool to further the cyber-attack for more widespread damage, affecting our community or perhaps even our country.

What are the problems associated with a cyber-attack? In some cases, it may be damage to our computer systems but sometimes, it could disrupt life as we know it. Public transportation and other services that are tied into the grid could be disrupted. This could either be a side effect of the cyber-attack or they may be targeted directly. In may also be more of a case of stolen identity when a large network is compromised.

Preparing for a cyber-attack is very important because of the real possibility of this threat. When you have the proper factors in place, it may be able to help protect your data as well as protecting others. Perhaps one of the most important things to consider is the way that you connect to the Internet. Always make sure that it is through a secure network and if possible, one you are familiar with. It is also important to recognize the possibility for email attachments or pop-ups that could cause problems as well. It only takes a single click for a virus to spread on your computer and at that point, it may already be too late.

Password security is also a very important part of cyber security. Many people tend to use passwords that they can keep in mind easily but this may not be the best option available. Always use a unique password for every website where you login and change those passwords on a regular basis. It is also best if you choose a random password that would be difficult to hack.

If a cyber-attack occurs, scan your computer immediately and ensure that everything is up-to-date with your antivirus software and operating system. If there is a threat or if a problem is detected, disconnect your computer from the network and do a full system restore. You can then assess the damage that was done and begin cleanup if necessary.