How to Survive a Chemical Threat

One of the many different types of attacks that could be a problem in any area is a chemical attack. When a chemical agent is released, it can quickly make people sick and it may be some time before the authorities recognize that the problem even exists. Many of the chemicals that can lead to problems do not have any odor or color and not all of them activate immediately. Some may even take up to 48 hours before the effect becomes evident.

Chemical attacks can come without any warning but the signs may be somewhat easy to recognize. Most people will have some type of eye irritation or they may have difficulty breathing and with coordination. Nausea may be a problem and some people experience a burning sensation in the eyes, throat and lungs. It is also a good idea to pay attention to wildlife in the area, because mass death of birds, insects or fish could indicate the release of a chemical.

As is the case with any type of threat, it is important to be prepared in advance of a chemical release. As a part of your emergency supply kit, you should include equipment that can help to protect you from the chemicals in the event that they should be in the area. This would include having plastic sheeting so that you can cover doors and windows or perhaps even make yourself an emergency shelter within your home. Having an emergency plan in place for your family is also important, as it can help you to remain safe in the event of any type of emergency.

If a chemical attack should happen to take place, it is imperative that you take action immediately. If it is a localized event that may be affecting the building where you are out at the time, get out of it as quickly as possible. If you are in a safe area that is not yet affected by the chemical, be sure that you isolate the area by closing any open doors and windows and turning off the ventilation system. Get into an internal room when possible and make sure that you have your emergency disaster kit with you. Once you’re inside of the room, seal it with plastic sheeting and duct tape.

Once you’re in a safe location, you will need to decontaminate yourself as much as possible. If somebody is exposed to the chemical and is experiencing problems, you should get medical assistance if possible and decontaminate them as soon as you can. At the same time, you should also exercise caution when dealing with anyone that has been exposed to a chemical agent because they could contaminate you. After the threat has passed, seek immediate medical treatment.