Preparing for Disaster at the Last Minute

It is always a good idea to plan ahead but sometimes, you may be caught in a situation where problems are looming and you don’t have everything together. Perhaps you’ve even been talking about preparing for years but when the SHTF, or if it is about ready to do so, you may have a limited amount of time to get yourself and your family ready. Here are a few of the things that you should do, even if it is at the last minute.

1. Come up with a quick emergency plan so that your family can meet in a predetermined area if you happen to be separated when the disaster strikes. Write down all emergency numbers and keep them nearby along with keeping them on your phone. You should also come up with an emergency escape plan in case you have to run quickly.

2. Make a quick trip out as soon as possible to take care of anything that is necessary away from the home. This would include filling your gas tank, grabbing some last-minute provisions and checking on family members. The sooner you are able to do this, the less likely it is that you will meet long lines or empty shelves. Be sure you fill all of your prescriptions.

3. Do a walk around at your home to see if anything needs to be done immediately before the disaster strikes. This may include cleaning your gutters, checking your sump pumps and familiarizing yourself with the shut off locations for the power and gas.

4. Make sure you take the time to power up prior to the time that the disaster strikes. The power may go down very quickly once things go south, so having a cell phone and batteries on full charge will help you to make the most out of the first day or two after the disaster strikes.

5. Put together some meals that will last for the long-term if you don’t have any power or means of refrigeration. This would include prepackaged snacks that could last weeks or perhaps months in the event of a disaster. These are not only good now but you can also put them in your preparedness pantry once the disaster is over.

6. Once the power goes down, it is important to keep the refrigerator and freezer shut unless it is an absolute emergency that you go into them. If you have extra room in the refrigerator or freezer, begin freezing gallon bags full of water and packing them in the location to keep everything as cold as possible.

7. Have some tools available in case you need to use them in the event of an emergency. Those tools could include anything from a screwdriver and pliers to a chainsaw. You don’t necessarily need to keep them in your safe spot but be sure that they are nearby so that you can grab them and go if necessary.