Where Will You Get Water When Disaster Strikes?

As a part of an emergency preparedness program, many families will store some basic supplies in the event that problems occur. According to most of the experts in the field, having a three-day supply of food and water along with some basic first aid supplies is all that is really necessary. The fact of the matter is, however, many disasters last much longer than three days and you could quickly find yourself in trouble.

One of the most important things to have on hand when any type of major emergency occurs is plenty of water. The average amount of water that is necessary for each person in your family is 1 gallon per day. If a serious emergency should happen to occur, you might find yourself in a situation where you are unable to get to clean water at the store or, if it is available, it will quickly be bought up. In addition, the public water supply may either be unavailable or the water could be tainted in some way or another, making it unusable.

Preparing in advance can help your family to survive for weeks or perhaps even months without access to any outside, fresh drinking water. Using the proper storage techniques will allow you to keep plenty of fresh water on hand as well as non-potable water for hygienic purposes. You should also prepare for the possibility that you will eventually need clean water for your family.

Gather as many storage containers as you can fit into your emergency supply pantry. These can also be stored in other areas of the home, but they should be stored nearby so that you have easy access to them and can protect them in the event of an emergency.

Sanitize the containers by washing them thoroughly with soap and water and rinsing them to removal soap residue. You can then make up a mixture of 2 tablespoons of chlorine bleach in a quart of water and swish it around inside of the containers to touch all interior surfaces. Be sure that you wash the lids or caps as well. Fill them with tap water and put two drops of chlorine bleach into the container to keep the water sanitized.

If you have advance notice that the disaster is going to strike, as is the case with a hurricane, fill the bathtub with water to use throughout the home until you’re able to get to a fresh water supply.

It would also be a good idea to invest in some water purification tablets and a portable water purification filter, such as those that are used by hikers. It may not be the best tasting water that you’ve ever had in your life, but it will help to sustain you in the event that fresh water is not readily available for an extended amount of time.