How Long Can You Store Food?

Putting together a preparedness pantry is one of the most important things you can do to get your family ready for a coming disaster. Regardless of whether it is a small natural disaster or a SHTF catastrophe, having enough food and water on hand can make a difference between life and death.

Most people recognize that having a preparedness pantry means rotating the stock on occasion. There are going to be certain things that you may include in your pantry that are going to have a relatively short shelf life. As long as you use that food and then replace it, you really are not missing out and it will not dip into the budget. There are certain types of foods, however, that can last an extremely long time and are good choices for any preparedness pantry. The following 10 food items should be included in your storage:

Salt – As long as you store salt in a proper container so that it does not pull in too much moisture, it will have an infinite shelf life. It is good for many purposes, including cleaning, cooking and for medicinal purposes.

Sugar – This may not be a necessity but sugar does last a long time and it is a source of energy that should not be overlooked.

Honey – When buying honey, be sure that you buy local, “real” honey and not the fake kind sold at the supermarket.

Baking soda – This is another item that can be used for multiple purposes and you should have someone handy.

Dry Corn – If you want a recipe that uses fresh corn, you can use dried corn just as easily.

Wheat – Store enough of this grain to feed your family during an emergency. You may find that this is making up to 30% of your daily calories. It can be consumed by people, livestock or you can sprout it for an extremely healthy food source.

Rice – It is possible to store white rice for decades and it can be used for multiple purposes. It’s inexpensive and a healthy source of calories.

Powdered milk – This is another indefinitely lasting product but it may need to be repackaged occasionally. If the milk turned yellow or starts smelling, throw it out.

Soft drinks – It is possible to store carbonated drinks for quite some time but non-carbonated drinks last longer. Be sure that they are stored indoors. If you prefer the carbonated variety, rotate the stock regularly.

Bullion – This product can be used as a seasoning and it contains lots of salt.

These items could and should make up a lot of the food that is stored in your preparedness pantry. Once you have these items in place, you will be ready for survival and you can then begin adding additional items to the pantry.